Christ Church Parish

130 Prince St, Bordentown, New Jersey 08505

Office Hours: (Tuesday - Friday)  8:30 am to 11:30 am.
(609) 298-2348,
Pastoral Emergencies: (732) 859-5823
Fr. Matt's E-Mail:

Parish Facebook Page


SAT    5:30pm  Vigil Mass *
SUN   8am  Low Mass
           10:00am  Sung Mass *

TUE   12:10pm  Low Mass

WED  6:30pm  Rosary & Low Mass
THU   10am  Low Mass w. Anointing for Healing

FRI    12:10pm  Low Mass

* Indicates that services are live-streamed or recorded.

  Please click here to view our live-streamed/recorded services.


February 11, 3:30 pm - 5 pm: Valentine Outreach

February 13, 3:30 pm - 5 pm: Valentine Outreach

February 16, 8:45am: HomeFront Meal Prep

February 22, 6pm: Parish Dinner

February 23, 9am: Adult Education

March 2, 9am: Adult Education

March 5 - Ash Wednesday: 7:30am, 12:10pm, and 6pm

March 7, 6pm: Stations of the Cross & Lenten Dinner

March 14, 6pm: Stations of the Cross & Lenten Dinner


Christ Church is located on the west side of Bordentown, conveniently close to the heart of the city and public transportation. Parking is available in the parish lot and on the street.

Grace and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.  Christ Church is a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey, Her Excellency Sally J. French, Bishop.  Our parish reflects the joy found in Anglo-Catholic worship and tradition, taking the joy and strength found at the Altar and bringing it out into the world in service to our neighbours and for the welfare of our city.  I hope that you will come and find Jesus with and amongst us.
                                          --The Very Rev. J. Matthew Tucker, Rector