The Very Rev. J. Matthew Tucker, Rector
Fr. Matt, who was called to Christ Church in 2008, is a lifelong Episcopalian and member of the Diocese of New Jersey. While completing a B.A. in History at Elon University, he felt a call to the priesthood, but rigorously avoided that call for some ten years.  After working in software and healthcare for most of a decade, Fr. Matt entered the Virginia Theological Seminary in 2005. Fr. Matt served as Priest-in-Charge from 2008 until 2011, when he was made Rector.

Fr. Matt serves Bordentown as an active firefighter and as Chaplain of the fire and police departments, and sits on the Bordentown City Environmental Commission; he serves Burlington County as the Chaplain of the Burlington County Emergency Services, the Burlington County Fire Chiefs Association, and the 200 Club of Burlington County; he served the diocese on the Reentering, Reopening, and Reimagining our Buildings Task Force, the Congregational Development Committee, as a certified Way of St. Paul Coach, and as the Vice-Chair of the Bishop Search and Nominating Committee. He continues to serve on the Committee on Deceased Members and as Dean of the Burlington Convocation. Father is a member of the Society of Mary and the Guild of All Souls.

With his wife Doan, he enjoys art and music, good food and good friends, and all things liturgical. Contact Fr. Matt at

The Oskar B. Swift Tucker,Parochial Doorkeeper
Oskar arrived at Christ Church after having lived and served at various and precarious places all over Bordentown.  Because the Venerable Griffin P. Buttersnaps Tucker was already in residence, Oskar took the back porch of the Rectory as his home.  After Griffin's passing, Oskar took up his duties both in the Rectory and Parish Buildings.  Oskar's duties include patrolling the parish grounds for interlopers of the aviary and rodentia kind, keeping the doors at every Mass, and generally getting in the way.




The Rev. Canon Dr. Alan K. Salmon, Honorary Associate
The Rev. Dr. Alan K. Salmon was ordained in 1964 by Bishop Banyard and has spent his entire ministry in the Diocese of New Jersey. Born in Moorestown, NJ and raised in Trinity Church, he graduated from Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. (BA, MA); from the General Theological Seminary, NYC (M. Div.); and from Drew University, Madison, NJ (D.Min). He was curate at Trinity Church, Cranford, NJ, Vicar of St. Peter’s, Woodbury Heights (later merged to become Holy Trinity, Wenonah), and retired in 2003 after 33 years as Rector of Christ Church, Riverton, NJ.

In Memoriam:
The Venerable Griffin P. Buttersnaps Tucker
, Honorary Archdeacon of all Bordentown
Griffin was living in the old shed behind the Christ Church Rectory. Malnourished, lost, and very much unloved, the Rector and Mrs. Tucker began to feed him and give him shelter, and alas, here he is, living in the Rectory of Christ Church. Griffin serves as Archdeacon of Bordentown, as a spokescat for Bordentown City Cats, and was briefly a candidate for Bishop of New Jersey (he withdrew, citing the bishopric as a demotion from Archdeacon of Bordentown). Griffin's hobbies include posing for calendar shoots, guarding the Rectory against all manner of squirrel attack, and praying novenas to Our Lady.

Almighty God, the giver of all good gifts, who of thy divine providence hast appointed divers Orders in thy Church; Give thy grace, we humbly beseech thee, to all those who are to be called to any office and administration in the same; and so replenish them with the truth of thy doctrine, and endue them with innocency of life, that they may faithfully serve before thee, to the glory of thy great Name, and the benefit of thy holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Rev. Ryan Paetzold, Associate
Fr. Ryan is an Episcopalian who was raised in a Roman Catholic family, and he has significant experience in ecumenical and interfaith settings. He first felt a call to the priesthood while a student at a Roman Catholic grade school, but he did his best to ignore that call, since it was incompatible in Roman Catholicism with his call to have a family. Years, later, Fr. Ryan left the Roman Catholic Church and attended Eastern University, where he double majored in Biblical Studies and Youth Ministry. Fr. Ryan then studied at Palmer Theological Seminary before transferring to and graduating from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. He was ordained in 2015.
Fr. Ryan has been an active part of various organizations and local boards, including having served as the president of two separate nonprofit advocacy organizations, as well as having been a board member for a private high school in Camden, NJ.  Fr. Ryan currently sits on the Evesham Zoning Board, the Evesham Shade Tree Commission, and the Burlington County Youth Services Advisory Council. Fr. Ryan is also a certified Disaster Chaplain.

Fr. Ryan is married to Katie, an elementary art educator.  They have two young sons, Asher and Calen, a cockatoo, and two incredibly affectionate Pomsky sisters. Fr. Ryan, Katie, and Asher enjoy traveling, food, and friends.


Jack Magnelli

Ms. Marianne Jackson
Mrs. Debbie Mallard
Mr. Glenn Perry
Mr. Dean Perry


Mr. Ms. Kate Williamson -  Warden
Ms. Mary Ellen Carty -  Warden
Mrs. Anne Lyon
Ms. Susan Preston
Mrs. Loris Johnson
Mrs. Colleen Suozzo

Mr. Stephen C. Bearse - Organist and Choirmaster
Mrs. Donna Kirk - Parish Administrator
Mr. Charles Reeder - Sexton