"For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister..."
                                                                           --Mark 10:45

The Christian Faith is clear in teaching us that we are to be servants of our neighbors, especially to the poor, the oppressed, and those in need of salvation in Christ.  The Outreach and Evangelism of Christ Church seeks to do just that.

HOMEFRONT MEALS: Christ Church assists HomeFront of Trenton in providing meals for the homeless in and around our state capitol.

FILL FR. MATT'S TRUCK: a twice a year event in which Fr. Matt invites the community to fill his truck with items needed by the local food pantry. The parish partners with Hope Hose Humane and Old Town Pub to throw a party and work for a good cause.

BORDENTOWN LAUNDRY PROJECT: free laundry nights at the Rivertown Laundromat, along with free haircuts, fresh food, and other services.

NEWBORNS IN NEED: the parish provides items such as diapers and other baby needs for Newborns in Need, which works with local doctors and social workers to get the items to those who need them most.

BACKPACK MINISTRY: provides backpacks and school supplies to children in need in Bordentown.

PRAYER SHAWLS: provides handmade shawls to the sick, the dying, and those caring for them.

ST. VALENTINE MINISTRY: provides fellowship, gifts, and writing materials to the people of Clare Estates each St. Valentine's Day and on other occasions.

BLESSING OF THE FIRE TRUCKS: an annual event to bless Bordentown fire and emergency personnel, and to raise awareness and monetary donations.

GOOD NEIGHBOR GUILD: Christ Church assists the Good Neighbor Guild in helping the poor in the area, with projects such as the St. Mary's Food Pantry, prepared meals, and vouchers for food and shelter.

CITY RESIDENTS RELIEF: Christ Church serves as a collection point and clearing house for donations for local victims of fire, accident, or other tragic circumstances.

PROVIDENCE HOUSE: Christ Church periodically raises funds and collects goods for Providence House, which provides necessities for single mothers in Burlington County.

OUR TROOPS: Christ Church purchases supplies such as phone cards, writing materials, etc., to send to our military personnel oversees.

DISASTER RELIEF: In the event of disaster, Christ Church moves quickly to raise funds for the relief of those effected, often in conjunction with outside agencies such as Episcopal Relief and Development and the Boy Scouts of America.

PARISH LIBRARY: A free lending library for the parish and city.

EVANGELISM: We seek to spread the good news of salvation in Christ Jesus to everyone we meet, every day and in any way we can.